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Controversial New Laws for 2024: 4 Laws to Come Into Effect

Have you heard of these new laws for 2024 that have also garnered quite a bit of scrutiny from certain people? With how we are all focusing on the future of our country on the political spectrum with the primaries, a lot of us have forgotten about the new laws that could be coming into effect while our eyes are turned somewhere else. We have been looking at some of the laws that are set to pass soon or have come into effect at the start of 2024, and some of them seem like they would upset certain people. A lot of these laws have to do with gun violence and gender, and one of them also tackles the likes of gender-neutral toys! While you may not think twice about these laws that will be taking effect all through 2024, the legislatures are bracing themselves for a whole year of tackling some of the most divisive issues in our country to date, and some of these are going to be introduced starting this year. If you are curious to see what some of the new laws certain states are introducing (that have also been a point of contention) and what you can expect from your state, make sure that you keep on reading! What is your opinion on these new laws? Would you change some of these? Would you like to see more new laws like these passed? Let us know your opinion in the comments!